AirMaster+ Specialist Qualification - In-person

March 18-21, 2025
Phoenix, AZ

Online Registration

Registration is now open!  By registering you are committing to this training, we will invoice you 60 days before the session.  Fee $2,000.

Earn recognition as a qualified specialist in the use of AIRMaster+ software by attending this qualification workshop. 

Compressed Air Challenge  is offering a 3 1/2 day training program for compressed air system specialists. This class includes classroom instruction, a practical exam testing hands-on measurement, and a written exam.

To become a Qualified AIRMaster+ Specialist, participants must have previously completed the CAC's Advanced Management of Compressed Air Systems (L2) course as a prerequisite to the AIRMaster+ training.

During the course, participants will learn:

  • How to use the AIRMaster+ software;
  • How to accurately acquire input data for AIRMaster+;
  • How to use AIRMaster+ to evaluate compressed air systems and develop a measurement plan;
  • How to make measurements for hourly trends of typical daily data vs. making dynamic measurements to characterize system events, pressure and flow profiles;
  • How to create AIRMaster+ compressor-operating scenarios, accounting for the effect of system dynamics, pressure profiles, characteristics of flow vs. pressure, and compressor control operation; and
  • How to use the LogTool Software.


Contact: CAC Training Coordinator at 204.806.2085

Cancellation Policy:

If you need a refund due to unforseen circumstances please contact us.